The first child Umar Syarief Altaz itself then given the name Shia Syawallabeouf Aim. Babies are a lot of sort of similar to the star itself is born Axis ads normally.
Today Tuesday, September 21, 2010 and then, commercials and television movie player, Umar Syarief get a gift with the birth of his first son.
Corry Pamela, his wife had married since October 17, 2009, gave birth to a boy normally in Garmis Maternity Clinic, at Jl. Kayu Putih, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, at 7:15 o'clock in the morning.
Junior Axisman itself was born weighing 3.8 kg and length 52 cm.
Arab-looking men who again nyelesaian shooting FTV Love Got Options in the area of Puncak, Bogor, West Java, was willing to depart directly from Bogor to Pulogadung clinic, a place where the child and the wife is still hospitalized sebelomnya postpartum day, in order to see his first son.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 night, Omar went to the Maternity Clinic Kayu Putih, Pulogadung, East Jakarta. Arriving there, this ridiculous figure directly into the small family room.
Ghost movie player is the culprit then introduces the baby, named Aim Shia Syawallabeouf, after affectionately kissing his wife.
